Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Skip school, go to jail...

Sometimes kids will be kids, but many times parents need to start paying attention and be more involved.   Who is responsible for truancy?  The parents or the kids?  Or both?  Should parents be charged with a crime, pay fines, and/or go to jail when their children are truant?  Maybe kids should be sent to jail to teach them a lesson...?  


  1. In my opinion both parents and kids are responsible for truancy. I think the parents should be charged, fined, or go to jail when their children are truant because they have the say and the power for wheather or not they go to school. As for kids being charged, fined, or going to jail I think it would teach them a lesson. Not younger kids, but high schoolers who think they can do whatever they want and not go to school.

  2. The first thing a child learns is at home. So it is important to instill the importance of school in children as they are growing. Then once they understand its their choice whether they commit truancy. I think the child should be punished at all ages that way once they do get older he/she would have learned their lesson, or at least know the consequences for their actions before they make them.

  3. I agree that it is the child who should be punished for their own actions. Even if they did have lousy parents there is a point that you must become responsible for your own choices. Life is full of natural consequences: you touch something hot - you get burned, forget your lunch - your hungry, that's life! The sooner the lesson is learned the better for the individual.

  4. I saw on the news that they are having some students, who are chronic truants, where GPS devices.

  5. I think once a child reaches a certain age it then becomes their responsibility. Getting through elementary school is one thing, but once kids reach middle and high school it another story. Being raised by a single mother, once I reached high school my mom left for work before I left for school. As far as she knew I was on my way. So because she had to leave early to put a roof over our heads she should be penalized if I decided to skip school? Why should parents be held accountable for kids being irresponsible at ages when they should know better?

  6. In my opinion I believe that its both the Childs responsibility but its more on the parents. Young kids don’t drive and they rely on their parents to take them to school and pick them up. Its important for the parents to get their kids to school on time and follow up with their kids on homework. I believe that there should be some sort of fine or law that could penalize parents for not taking responsibility and making sure their kids go to school. I don’t think that jail would do anything for children but make them worse. People should go to jail for worse crimes then skipping school.

  7. I do agree that is both the parent and the child's responsibilty. The blame starts with the parent as others stated. A child was put on earth with no guidance and morals. I feel that is the parent's job to instill morals and values in a child's head. They can't raise theirselves. Yes, some kids are old enough to know right from wrong but, at the same time people (kids) only do what they can do. I think if parents start getting in trouble as well, it will help them to be more worried about their children. Children need a lot of guidance, support, and attention.

  8. I think that it is both the parents and the childrens responsibility. More of the parents though, becuase they should be pushing their children to do their best. If a child doesn't go to school then it is going to affect them in the long run, but sometimes they are too youung to understand that. Parents should not go to jail but I think that a fine is a good idea to issue them if they are not forcing their children to go to school. You should want the best for your child.

  9. Parents should not be held responsible for their children not going to school. I think the children should be. Half the time parents are not even aware of chidren are not going and sometimes when they go, chidren don't want to be there. They shouldn't go to jail but maybe another type of punishment.
