Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Educational funds and school budgets keep getting cut or are threatened to be cut.
Some sports teams like the Phillies and the Yankees - the organization and players - make a lot money. 
Should they have to put some of that profit toward the public schools in the city where their stadium is?  The Phillies just spent $10 million on a new HD scoreboard.  
Plus, the main people who spend money on team merchandise are those who live in that city.
What do you think?


  1. In my opinion I dont think it should be made mandatory that the teams put some of their profit toward the public school systems. However, if you think about it, it would be courteous and probably the right thing to do. I also do think that the 10 mil. spent on a new HD scoreboard could have been used for educational funds. After all, a lot of people who support the team, spend their own money on merchandise and go to games are the ones affected by the budget cuts.

  2. Some countries have a system that which the wealthy upper class citizens are taxed to benefit the less fortunate and the economy. I do not think that the players should be taxed to help the school systems because they are wealthy, but i do think it would be a nice thing if they make donations to organizations that care to help our countries ailed education system; that way the government does not have the money to put towards other things that they would find more important than our education.

  3. The players should not have to be responsble for paying for schools. The players earn their money just like everyone else and should not be penalized for being wealthy. If anyone should have to pay extra money it should be our congress people and representavies from each state.

  4. Making it mandatory would probably just cause a riot. But asking sports teams and other large public places and people to donate a percentage of sales to the school system would be great. Or they could let the school system set up a table with information where people can become more informed and can donate while out during the day.

  5. I think making it mandatory would not be a good idea becuase nobody want to be told what to do with their money. I think asking them every year to donate a portion to areas of their home cities that need it would be a good way of approaching it. Athletes making the money they do is just life, it seem unfair but its never going to change so there isnt much that we can do. We just hope that some of them are generous enough to care and share their wealth with those who need it.
