Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Animal Testing!

Companies that DO NOT test on animals:

Companies that DO test on animals:


  1. The list of companies that do not perform animal testing is now listed on my fridge. I felt very ignorant, shocked, and disgusted by the list of companies that do use animal testing. It is very sad that business execs are more concerned about making profits, than sparing a helpless and harmless animals live. I now feel guilty for buying Giorgio Armani cologne for my boyfriend, or Herbal essence products for my hair. I am going to forward these lists to everyone I know to spread awareness of ongoing animal cruelty. I’m sure if more people actually knew these companies performed animal testing, they would stop using these products.

  2. Wow I was very shocked to read the page with the compaines that do test on animals. I saw everyday used trusted brands. Most of them are the most popular ones. The sad part is that over half of the people who use these companies products dont know that they are testing on animals, and if they do they dont know how harsh of a thing it is to do to an animal. I think people should raise as much awareness for animal cruelty as we can. Also we should try and support the companies that do not test on animals as much as we can.

  3. This is very sad how many products are tested on animals. It is especially sad becuase it mostly everyday popular brand that do perform animal testing. We should make consumers more aware of what exactly goes on in the making of the products that they are buying and using. We should try and promote the sell of the products that do not test on animals a little more than they are already being promoted. It isnt fair to the animals that have to go through this.
